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What is this?

This is a mkdocs mirror of the Google Test and Google Mock github repos to make the documentation easier to read.

Is this made by Google?

Nope, this is completely unconnected with Google except in the content provided. I just threw this together because I was getting annoyed browsing locally or via GitHub to look at the docs.

Is this up to date?

Yes, if by up to date you mean up to date with the master branch. The mirror pulls from the google test repo daily on the master branch only.

8-26-19: Google Mock changed their documentation pages and since then, the mock side has been broken. This has now been fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.

So... Where are the docs exactly?

Sidebar on your left <=

Who are you?

Not important.

Yeah, but like, what if you're mining my data or something?

Ok, fine. This is hosted on GitHub and is entirely open source. See it here and here. It should comply with GPDPDR or whatever.